How to Prepare Financially for the Purchase of your First Home

How to Prepare Financially for the Purchase of your First Home

Purchasing a home is one of the biggest purchases you’ll make, so you want to make sure you are prepared. Often times people are ready for the purchase price and down payment of a home but forget about the closing costs. The closing costs can be wrapped up into the mortgage or you can pay out of pocket for them. If you plan to pay out of pocket, that will lead to a slightly lower monthly mortgage. By paying your closing costs up front you won’t be paying interest on them for the life of the loan. So how do you prepare yourself financially for the purchase of your home?

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Five Tips to Get the Most for Your Home

Five Tips to Get the Most for Your Home

Selling your home can be tough. Opening your doors to buyers can be overwhelming to say the least. Your home is more than just four walls to be critiqued and picked a part. It can be difficult to hear about what people like and don’t like or what they would change and so forth. So how do you know what buyers want? You don’t, each buyer is going to be different, but there are steps you can take to put your best foot forward. I have created a simple five step checklist to help get your home sold quickly and for top dollar.

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Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Home?

Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Home?

The impact of the coronavirus has affected everything from stocks, entire industries and small businesses all over the globe. So, what about real estate? If you were planning to buy a home this spring should you postpone that?

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What to Expect the Day of the Sheriff Sale

What to Expect the Day of the Sheriff Sale

So it’s the day of the sale. We’ve double checked everything. Now all there is to do is show up. There’s always a slight chance it could be postponed, but not likely. We felt pretty confident given the situation of the foreclosure that no one was going to pay off debt from the estate, so no reason to be postponed or cancelled- right?

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Four Reasons to Invest in Real Estate

Four Reasons to Invest in Real Estate

Real estate can be a very lucrative business. It takes a lot of work, but if you’re willing to put the work in you’ll definitely reap the rewards. Prior to meeting Vince, I purchased my first multi-unit while in college. I always wanted to have my own business but I wasn’t sure how to get started. I met with a local entrepreneur and real estate investor who provided some insight on rentals and why this would be a good industry.  It all just kinda clicked from there. So if someone were to ask me why invest in real estate, these would be my top five reasons.

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How Does a Sheriff Sale Work?

How Does a Sheriff Sale Work?

So before I get started into the details of a sheriff sale, let’s refer back to a blog post in the summer about reverse mortgages. If you recall, we had placed an offer on a home that had been sitting empty for two years. Our goal was to pay the debt on this property and take ownership before it went into foreclosure. Once foreclosure starts, the bank takes possession of the property. This is the legal process used by the bank to recoup their money. Once the foreclosure process starts, it becomes near impossible to do anything. You are no longer negotiating with the owner, you are dealing directly with the bank.  At this point it is just a waiting game until they decide to post a sale date. Well long story short, this property went into foreclosure. We never heard back from the reverse mortgage company and it is now listed for sheriff’s sale.

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Renting vs Buying

Renting vs Buying

There is a lot of speculation around what is better- buying or renting. Depending upon what you read, you could make an argument for either. I personally think a lot of the decision has to do with where you are in your life (single, married, working, family) and the market in which you live. There are many markets where it renting is cheaper, so why buy? Especially if you aren’t ready to settle down in one spot.

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Dabbling in Reverse Mortgages

Dabbling in Reverse Mortgages

mile up the road into another neighborhood we frequently walk. It’s an older neighborhood where the homes are filled with character. Beautiful woodwork, hardwood floors and detailed molding- I just love the features of older home, but it does come with a price. It tends to be more expensive in this neighborhood with higher taxes. Often, a lot of these homes don’t have central air and haven’t been updated over the years so that can leave a large initial investment on top of the purchase price for the buyer. So buying in this neighborhood wasn’t something we thought would happen for many years.

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Flips vs. Rental Properties

Flips vs. Rental Properties

Rentals or flips? People are often very passionate about one over the other. A lot of this may stem from comfort, or just bad luck with a reno or a tenant. There’s always someone that has a horror story. One very bad tenant can make you think twice about the rental industry. Obviously we have dealt exclusively with rentals, but I think there are definitely some pros and cons to each.

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What is a Pro Forma?

What is a Pro Forma?

According to the Real Wealth Network, the definition of a pro forma is a method of calculating financial results in order to emphasize either current or projected figures. A property's pro forma in real estate are its cash flow projections. So to make things simple, when you are looking to invest in real estate, a pro forma is essentially an income and expense sheet.

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