Woodmont Update

Woodmont Update

Purchasing Woodmont was a year and a half in the making. Between issues with the out-of-town bank who owned the property and COVID delays, we really started to think it wasn’t going to happen. We decided if we didn’t get it before it went through another winter, we were moving on. It had been empty four years and never was winterized so you can only imagine the damage. Not only that, but purchasing a home out of foreclosure at a sheriff sale means sight unseen.

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How to Update your Kitchen on a Budget

How to Update your Kitchen on a Budget

Kitchens are prime real estate in your home and typically the most expensive to remodel. So how do you bring your kitchen up to date without paying an arm and a leg? Well I have a couple tricks that could help bring new life to your kitchen without completing tearing it apart.

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Five Tips to Get the Most for Your Home

Five Tips to Get the Most for Your Home

Selling your home can be tough. Opening your doors to buyers can be overwhelming to say the least. Your home is more than just four walls to be critiqued and picked a part. It can be difficult to hear about what people like and don’t like or what they would change and so forth. So how do you know what buyers want? You don’t, each buyer is going to be different, but there are steps you can take to put your best foot forward. I have created a simple five step checklist to help get your home sold quickly and for top dollar.

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3 Easy Steps to Get that Perfect Caulk Line

3 Easy Steps to Get that Perfect Caulk Line

Tired of smearing caulk with your finger and then getting a wet wipe to clean up the mess? We’ve been there. It’s annoying and you don’t always get that nice thin, smooth caulk line that you want. Sometimes you do, but other times you just make a mess.  

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Pain in the Attic

Pain in the Attic

Pain in the attic. And that’s exactly what this project was, a pain in the attic or should I say ass. Vince and I both had experience with home renovation prior to us dating. So once we got engaged and we moved in together, Vince decided he needed a “man attic.” Given our combined background, finishing an attic seemed simple enough — especially since we decided to hire someone to do all the drywall. So basically all we had to do was just finish the room from that point forward. Easy peazy.

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16 Essential Tools for Any DIY Home Project by Emily Huddleston

16 Essential Tools for Any DIY Home Project by Emily Huddleston

Every homeowner needs a well-stocked toolbox. Whether you live in a modern apartment in downtown Philadelphia, a historic home in Boston, or you’re looking to put your house on the market, you will inevitably need to make home repairs – and you’ll need the tools to do it. It’s also always helpful to have what you need to put furniture together, tighten the wheel of your child’s bike, or spend time on your woodworking hobby. To help you create a functional set of supplies, we’ve put together this list essential tools for DIY home projects and repairs.  

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How to Save and Simplify Renovations

How to Save and Simplify Renovations

I remember my first full home renovation quite clearly. I wasn’t really sure what I was doing, but I was doing it- and I kept doing it. To complete an entire home it took us about 8 months. I didn’t think that was too bad for someone who had never painted a wall until this project. We saved a lot of what we could in the property to save money and time.

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How to Paint Paneling

How to Paint Paneling

The first time we dealt with fake wood paneling I dreaded it. I thought if a house had paneling that you pretty much had to rip it down and install drywall (which is a lot of work!) I didn’t think paneling could or would ever look good, and painting it wasn’t even on my radar.

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