How to Update your Kitchen on a Budget

How to Update your Kitchen on a Budget

Kitchens are prime real estate in your home and typically the most expensive to remodel. So how do you bring your kitchen up to date without paying an arm and a leg? Well I have a couple tricks that could help bring new life to your kitchen without completing tearing it apart.

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Pain in the Attic

Pain in the Attic

Pain in the attic. And that’s exactly what this project was, a pain in the attic or should I say ass. Vince and I both had experience with home renovation prior to us dating. So once we got engaged and we moved in together, Vince decided he needed a “man attic.” Given our combined background, finishing an attic seemed simple enough — especially since we decided to hire someone to do all the drywall. So basically all we had to do was just finish the room from that point forward. Easy peazy.

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How to Determine Rent Rates

How to Determine Rent Rates

Everyone should be able to have access to quality housing without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. This is a problem all across the country and it makes living very difficult for the average person. In Williamsport, we experienced this a number of years ago when the gas industry came to town. A lot of landlords raised their rents because they knew the gas guys would pay it.

When determining an asking price we take into consideration the neighborhood, the renovation done, and the type of person who would likely be moving in. I also like to put myself in their shoes and ask myself what I would pay for this apartment.

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Remodeling your Bathroom in 5 Steps

Remodeling your Bathroom in 5 Steps

Remodeling your bathroom can seem daunting. You use it every day, so how can you possibly remodel it and keep it functional? Well as long as your bathroom doesn’t have any plumbing issues that need addressed, you should be able to do your remodel work fairly easy while continuing to use it. Here’s a couple DIY ideas to help get you started on your next project.

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Four Ways to Build Equity

Four Ways to Build Equity

Building equity in properties has been key to our success. We buy cheap, build equity, and utilize that equity for the next project. It’s the same concept whether you are buying rentals or buying a home. So here’s a couple ideas to help you get the most out of your money.

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Rebuilding Memorial Ave

Rebuilding Memorial Ave

So you want to clean an area up, but how do you get started? There’s no quick fix, but if you’re in it for the long haul- your time spent will definitely be worth it.

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6 Ideas to Update your Kitchen on a Budget

6 Ideas to Update your Kitchen on a Budget

Kitchens are prime real estate in your home and typically the most expensive to remodel. So how do you bring your kitchen up to date without paying an arm and a leg? Well I have a couple tricks that could help bring new life to your kitchen without completing tearing it apart

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Pain in the Attic

Pain in the Attic

How we decided on the name ‘pain in the attic’. The project that lead to the blog.

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Painter by Trade

Painter by Trade

Painting can be a pain in the butt. Here’s a couple things I have learned that might save you some time down the road.

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This is US

This is US

This is us and what makes us tick.

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