Should I Raise Rent?

Should I Raise Rent?

Raising the rent is something I struggle with. I think there is a trade off between making a larger profit and maintaining good tenants. Overall, we have great tenants and I wouldn’t want to lose them over a rent increase. So, what is reasonable?

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How to Determine Rent Rates

How to Determine Rent Rates

Everyone should be able to have access to quality housing without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. This is a problem all across the country and it makes living very difficult for the average person. In Williamsport, we experienced this a number of years ago when the gas industry came to town. A lot of landlords raised their rents because they knew the gas guys would pay it.

When determining an asking price we take into consideration the neighborhood, the renovation done, and the type of person who would likely be moving in. I also like to put myself in their shoes and ask myself what I would pay for this apartment.

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