Should I Raise Rent?

Should I Raise Rent?

Raising the rent is something I struggle with. I think there is a trade off between making a larger profit and maintaining good tenants. Overall, we have great tenants and I wouldn’t want to lose them over a rent increase. So, what is reasonable?

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How to Retain Tenants

How to Retain Tenants

Retaining good tenants for many years is the best case scenario you can have when renting your apartments. Most people don’t like going through the tenant application process and filling vacancies (I know I certainly don’t!), so what can you do to keep good tenants?

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How to Find Tenants

How to Find Tenants

We frequently get asked how we find tenants, and more importantly how do we find good tenants. We’ve been very fortunate with the bulk of the tenants we have, as they are great people, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t get a bad egg from time to time. Sometimes regardless of the screenings, that one tenant can still slip through. In order to reduce that risk, this is the process we follow each time we are looking for tenants.

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Letting a Tenant Go

Letting a Tenant Go

She rented from us for six years. She was a tenant I acquired at my first property. We had a rough start, but over the years she became one of our most reliable tenants and we had a mutual respect for each other. I liked her. Things were going well for a number of years, until they weren’t.

She was our first eviction, and it was rough. Things aren’t always black and white, and I had a tough time with the whole situation.

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