What is the BRRR Strategy?

What is the BRRR Strategy?

So for starters, the BRRR strategy stands for BUY, REHAB, RENT, and REFINANCE. I have also seen where some add another R to the end (BRRRR) which means REPEAT. It’s a pretty straight forward concept, but we personally had some variations with the refinance aspect of it. Want to know how it works? Read more here.

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Letting a Tenant Go

Letting a Tenant Go

She rented from us for six years. She was a tenant I acquired at my first property. We had a rough start, but over the years she became one of our most reliable tenants and we had a mutual respect for each other. I liked her. Things were going well for a number of years, until they weren’t.

She was our first eviction, and it was rough. Things aren’t always black and white, and I had a tough time with the whole situation.

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Four Ways to Build Equity

Four Ways to Build Equity

Building equity in properties has been key to our success. We buy cheap, build equity, and utilize that equity for the next project. It’s the same concept whether you are buying rentals or buying a home. So here’s a couple ideas to help you get the most out of your money.

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