How Room Colors Affect You

How Room Colors Affect You

The colors in your home matter more than you may think. It is well known among artists, designers, advertisers and psychologists that certain colors can trigger certain responses. So it’s important when designing a room to take this into consideration.

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Three Basic Tips to Paint like a Pro

Three Basic Tips to Paint like a Pro

In ight of all the painting I’ve been doing lately, I thought a couple painting tips post only seemed fitting. Once you paint a couple rooms, you’ll feel like an old pro. Painting is a tedious job, but its so rewarding. You can dramatically change a room within just a couple hours. But to get perfectly painted walls, I have a couple tips for you.

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Pain in the Attic

Pain in the Attic

Pain in the attic. And that’s exactly what this project was, a pain in the attic or should I say ass. Vince and I both had experience with home renovation prior to us dating. So once we got engaged and we moved in together, Vince decided he needed a “man attic.” Given our combined background, finishing an attic seemed simple enough — especially since we decided to hire someone to do all the drywall. So basically all we had to do was just finish the room from that point forward. Easy peazy.

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How to Paint Paneling

How to Paint Paneling

The first time we dealt with fake wood paneling I dreaded it. I thought if a house had paneling that you pretty much had to rip it down and install drywall (which is a lot of work!) I didn’t think paneling could or would ever look good, and painting it wasn’t even on my radar.

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Pain in the Attic

Pain in the Attic

How we decided on the name ‘pain in the attic’. The project that lead to the blog.

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Painter by Trade

Painter by Trade

Painting can be a pain in the butt. Here’s a couple things I have learned that might save you some time down the road.

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