Top Ten Tools Every New (and old) Homeowner Should Have

Top Ten Tools Every New (and old) Homeowner Should Have

Top ten list of items that every home should have. You don't need to be a handy man to have these items, but they will definitely come in useful when you’re in a pinch.

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Five Tips to Get the Most for Your Home

Five Tips to Get the Most for Your Home

Selling your home can be tough. Opening your doors to buyers can be overwhelming to say the least. Your home is more than just four walls to be critiqued and picked a part. It can be difficult to hear about what people like and don’t like or what they would change and so forth. So how do you know what buyers want? You don’t, each buyer is going to be different, but there are steps you can take to put your best foot forward. I have created a simple five step checklist to help get your home sold quickly and for top dollar.

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5 Steps to Give Old Furniture New Life

5 Steps to Give Old Furniture New Life

Furniture is EXPENSIVE, there’s no question about it. So if you like a piece but don’t like the color or fabric, there are definitely ways around it. ⁣What better way to get a custom piece of furniture than to do it yourself? ⁣

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Remembering 2019 and Welcoming 2020

Remembering 2019 and Welcoming 2020

2019, what a year. Supposed to be a year for us to relax and get back on our feet and recover from 2018. But that never happened. We ended 2018 with getting married, finishing up our three remaining rentals (out of the 6 we did that year) and getting them rented out, then off to Cambodia and Thailand for our honeymoon. Never did we imagine what we were getting into when we got home from our honey moon. We had to evict a tenant due to criminal activity. It was published in the paper so it was pretty clear what was going on. There’s always a first for everything. 

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Federal Convex Mirror

Federal Convex Mirror

We have had some really neat finds at the properties. Sure there is a lot of junk, but sometimes you’ll find something worth holding onto- such as this federal convex mirror. We had no idea the history behind it when we found it in a garage, it just looked cool so we kept it.

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16 Essential Tools for Any DIY Home Project by Emily Huddleston

16 Essential Tools for Any DIY Home Project by Emily Huddleston

Every homeowner needs a well-stocked toolbox. Whether you live in a modern apartment in downtown Philadelphia, a historic home in Boston, or you’re looking to put your house on the market, you will inevitably need to make home repairs – and you’ll need the tools to do it. It’s also always helpful to have what you need to put furniture together, tighten the wheel of your child’s bike, or spend time on your woodworking hobby. To help you create a functional set of supplies, we’ve put together this list essential tools for DIY home projects and repairs.  

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How to Save and Simplify Renovations

How to Save and Simplify Renovations

I remember my first full home renovation quite clearly. I wasn’t really sure what I was doing, but I was doing it- and I kept doing it. To complete an entire home it took us about 8 months. I didn’t think that was too bad for someone who had never painted a wall until this project. We saved a lot of what we could in the property to save money and time.

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Top Ten Tools Every Home Should Have

Top Ten Tools Every Home Should Have

Top ten list of items that every home should have. You don't need to be a handy man to have these items, but they will definitely come in useful when you’re in a pinch.

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Purchasing your First Rental

Purchasing your First Rental

Purchasing your first rental is often the most difficult one you’ll purchase. Everything is new and you don’t want to screw up. But as long as you learn from your mistakes and keep pushing forward you’ll be on the right track.

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