Do you Rent to Section 8?

Do you Rent to Section 8?

I feel like Section 8 tends to get a bad rap. The connotation with Section 8 is that you are renting low quality housing to low income tenants just to collect that government check. If you rent to Section 8 you are often perceived as a slum lord, which isn’t fair to landlords or tenants. I think the lack of education about what Section 8 really is and who qualifies for Section 8 is missing to the general public.

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Remembering 2019 and Welcoming 2020

Remembering 2019 and Welcoming 2020

2019, what a year. Supposed to be a year for us to relax and get back on our feet and recover from 2018. But that never happened. We ended 2018 with getting married, finishing up our three remaining rentals (out of the 6 we did that year) and getting them rented out, then off to Cambodia and Thailand for our honeymoon. Never did we imagine what we were getting into when we got home from our honey moon. We had to evict a tenant due to criminal activity. It was published in the paper so it was pretty clear what was going on. There’s always a first for everything. 

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Being a Landlord

Being a Landlord

Being a landlord to me is more than just another income- you are providing someone a place to call home. It can be difficult trying to be fair and reasonable, yet run a business. Essentially though, owning and renting real estate is a business- so it should be treated as such. We have all seen slum lords who do the absolute minimum and collect their check every month. Or you have landlords at the opposite end of the spectrum that just get taken advantage of. So how do you land somewhere in the middle?

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