Do you Rent to Section 8?

Do you Rent to Section 8?

I feel like Section 8 tends to get a bad rap. The connotation with Section 8 is that you are renting low quality housing to low income tenants just to collect that government check. If you rent to Section 8 you are often perceived as a slum lord, which isn’t fair to landlords or tenants. I think the lack of education about what Section 8 really is and who qualifies for Section 8 is missing to the general public.

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Do You Have Renter's Insurance?

Do You Have Renter's Insurance?

You live and you learn, right? So we’ve never required our tenants to have renters insurance. I have always thought that if you don’t have renter’s insurance, that is a risk you must be willing to take in the event anything would ever happen. I didn’t think it was necessary for us as landlords to require it. Until we had our first fire.

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Flips vs. Rental Properties

Flips vs. Rental Properties

Rentals or flips? People are often very passionate about one over the other. A lot of this may stem from comfort, or just bad luck with a reno or a tenant. There’s always someone that has a horror story. One very bad tenant can make you think twice about the rental industry. Obviously we have dealt exclusively with rentals, but I think there are definitely some pros and cons to each.

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