Top Ten Tools Every New (and old) Homeowner Should Have

Top Ten Tools Every New (and old) Homeowner Should Have

Top ten list of items that every home should have. You don't need to be a handy man to have these items, but they will definitely come in useful when you’re in a pinch.

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What to Expect the Day of the Sheriff Sale

What to Expect the Day of the Sheriff Sale

So it’s the day of the sale. We’ve double checked everything. Now all there is to do is show up. There’s always a slight chance it could be postponed, but not likely. We felt pretty confident given the situation of the foreclosure that no one was going to pay off debt from the estate, so no reason to be postponed or cancelled- right?

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Renting vs Buying

Renting vs Buying

There is a lot of speculation around what is better- buying or renting. Depending upon what you read, you could make an argument for either. I personally think a lot of the decision has to do with where you are in your life (single, married, working, family) and the market in which you live. There are many markets where it renting is cheaper, so why buy? Especially if you aren’t ready to settle down in one spot.

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Dabbling in Reverse Mortgages

Dabbling in Reverse Mortgages

mile up the road into another neighborhood we frequently walk. It’s an older neighborhood where the homes are filled with character. Beautiful woodwork, hardwood floors and detailed molding- I just love the features of older home, but it does come with a price. It tends to be more expensive in this neighborhood with higher taxes. Often, a lot of these homes don’t have central air and haven’t been updated over the years so that can leave a large initial investment on top of the purchase price for the buyer. So buying in this neighborhood wasn’t something we thought would happen for many years.

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16 Essential Tools for Any DIY Home Project by Emily Huddleston

16 Essential Tools for Any DIY Home Project by Emily Huddleston

Every homeowner needs a well-stocked toolbox. Whether you live in a modern apartment in downtown Philadelphia, a historic home in Boston, or you’re looking to put your house on the market, you will inevitably need to make home repairs – and you’ll need the tools to do it. It’s also always helpful to have what you need to put furniture together, tighten the wheel of your child’s bike, or spend time on your woodworking hobby. To help you create a functional set of supplies, we’ve put together this list essential tools for DIY home projects and repairs.  

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Top Ten Tools Every Home Should Have

Top Ten Tools Every Home Should Have

Top ten list of items that every home should have. You don't need to be a handy man to have these items, but they will definitely come in useful when you’re in a pinch.

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