The Home Buying Road Map

The Home Buying Road Map

So you are buying a home, but don’t know where to start or what comes next. No worries, you are not alone! We see this often. Unless you buy or sell frequently, its tough to stay up to date on the entire process. Check out the chart below to help guide you in the right direction.

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How is COVID Affecting the Real Estate Market?

How is COVID Affecting the Real Estate Market?

If you have been in the market to buy or sell your home, you know the market has been crazy. No one was quite sure how real estate would be affected by the pandemic when things opened up this spring. Sales for both existing and new homes hit their highest mark in August since 2006. Existing home sales are up 10.5% while new home sales are up 43.2% from a year ago.

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Best Time to Get a Deal on a Home

Best Time to Get a Deal on a Home

If you are in the market now for a home, you know its tough being a buyer. There’s nothing more discouraging then putting in multiple offers to get out bid. So if this sounds like you, don’t get discouraged yet.

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Four Tips to Help You Get the Winning Home Bid

Four Tips to Help You Get the Winning Home Bid

The market is hot right now and homes are going quick. Unfortunately for buyers, it is a sellers market. What this means is that the inventory of homes is low, but the number of buyers is high; therefore, sellers have the upper hand. If a home is desirable and priced right it is quite common to receive multiple offers. So what can you do as a buyer to win a bidding war?

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Step by Step to Buying a Home

Step by Step to Buying a Home

With mortgage rates at an all time low, it’s a great time to buy. What’s even better for buyers and sellers is that due to the low mortgage rates, banks can approve higher loan amounts due to the decreased monthly mortgage payments. You follow? So it’s a win-win for both parties. If this is your first time in the market, how do you know where do you start? The market is competitive right now so you’ll want to have all your ducks in a row, here’s where to start.

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Sellers Market

Sellers Market

When real estate opened back up in Williamsport after being shut down for two months, I wasn’t sure what to expect. My hope was that people who had planned on buying or selling in the spring would be eager to get back out there. But with Covid-19 and all the personal protective restrictions we now had, I wasn’t sure how comfortable people would be going into other people’s home. Not only that, but there were a lot of people laid off, so buying a home or selling at this time may no longer be an option for many.

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Renting vs Buying

Renting vs Buying

There is a lot of speculation around what is better- buying or renting. Depending upon what you read, you could make an argument for either. I personally think a lot of the decision has to do with where you are in your life (single, married, working, family) and the market in which you live. There are many markets where it renting is cheaper, so why buy? Especially if you aren’t ready to settle down in one spot.

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