Three Real Estate Trends to Expect in 2021

Three Real Estate Trends to Expect in 2021

After a real estate year like 2020, you might be wondering what 2021 has in store. Despite the fact that many markets were shut down the first quarter of 2020, it is said by experts that the surge in home sales at the end of 2020 actually made up the difference. Kinda crazy! So what’s next? While we can’t predict the future, we can make some educated guesses as to what trends to expect.

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How is COVID Affecting the Real Estate Market?

How is COVID Affecting the Real Estate Market?

If you have been in the market to buy or sell your home, you know the market has been crazy. No one was quite sure how real estate would be affected by the pandemic when things opened up this spring. Sales for both existing and new homes hit their highest mark in August since 2006. Existing home sales are up 10.5% while new home sales are up 43.2% from a year ago.

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Best Time to Get a Deal on a Home

Best Time to Get a Deal on a Home

If you are in the market now for a home, you know its tough being a buyer. There’s nothing more discouraging then putting in multiple offers to get out bid. So if this sounds like you, don’t get discouraged yet.

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Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle

When you look at the world we live, its hard to believe sometimes that we are still dealing with bias, racism, discrimination and hate in all forms. It can be easy to turn a blind eye to our current reality- especially if it doesn’t affect you. In order to make a change, you actually have to make changes- whether it be your behavior, actions, or words. Small steps can lead monumental movements. 

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