How to Sell your Home: With or Without an Agent?

How to Sell your Home: With or Without an Agent?

You’re getting ready to sell your home, but you want to make the most out of the deal right? So you are contemplating selling it yourself. While there are many perks to selling your own home, there are also many drawbacks.

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The Home Buying Road Map

The Home Buying Road Map

So you are buying a home, but don’t know where to start or what comes next. No worries, you are not alone! We see this often. Unless you buy or sell frequently, its tough to stay up to date on the entire process. Check out the chart below to help guide you in the right direction.

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How is COVID Affecting the Real Estate Market?

How is COVID Affecting the Real Estate Market?

If you have been in the market to buy or sell your home, you know the market has been crazy. No one was quite sure how real estate would be affected by the pandemic when things opened up this spring. Sales for both existing and new homes hit their highest mark in August since 2006. Existing home sales are up 10.5% while new home sales are up 43.2% from a year ago.

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What is a Sheriff Sale?

What is a Sheriff Sale?

So before I get started into the details of a sheriff sale, let’s refer back to a blog post in the summer about reverse mortgages. If you recall, we had placed an offer on a home that had been sitting empty for two years. Our goal was to pay the debt on this property and take ownership before it went into foreclosure. Once foreclosure starts, the bank takes possession of the property. This is the legal process used by the bank to recoup their money. Once the foreclosure process starts, it becomes near impossible to do anything. You are no longer negotiating with the owner, you are dealing directly with the bank.  At this point it is just a waiting game until they decide to post a sale date. Well long story short, this property went into foreclosure. We never heard back from the reverse mortgage company and it is now listed for sheriff’s sale.

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Five Negotiating Tactics that can Kill a Deal

Five Negotiating Tactics that can Kill a Deal

Negotiation is a subtle art in real estate, but skilled negotiators can usually find some common ground that satisfies all parties. On the other hand, using the wrong negotiation tactics can sink a deal pretty quickly. Here are some negotiation tactics buyers (and real estate professionals) should avoid:

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Best Time to Get a Deal on a Home

Best Time to Get a Deal on a Home

If you are in the market now for a home, you know its tough being a buyer. There’s nothing more discouraging then putting in multiple offers to get out bid. So if this sounds like you, don’t get discouraged yet.

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Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle

When you look at the world we live, its hard to believe sometimes that we are still dealing with bias, racism, discrimination and hate in all forms. It can be easy to turn a blind eye to our current reality- especially if it doesn’t affect you. In order to make a change, you actually have to make changes- whether it be your behavior, actions, or words. Small steps can lead monumental movements. 

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How to Prepare Financially for the Purchase of your First Home

How to Prepare Financially for the Purchase of your First Home

Purchasing a home is one of the biggest purchases you’ll make, so you want to make sure you are prepared. Often times people are ready for the purchase price and down payment of a home but forget about the closing costs. The closing costs can be wrapped up into the mortgage or you can pay out of pocket for them. If you plan to pay out of pocket, that will lead to a slightly lower monthly mortgage. By paying your closing costs up front you won’t be paying interest on them for the life of the loan. So how do you prepare yourself financially for the purchase of your home?

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Five Tips to Get the Most for Your Home

Five Tips to Get the Most for Your Home

Selling your home can be tough. Opening your doors to buyers can be overwhelming to say the least. Your home is more than just four walls to be critiqued and picked a part. It can be difficult to hear about what people like and don’t like or what they would change and so forth. So how do you know what buyers want? You don’t, each buyer is going to be different, but there are steps you can take to put your best foot forward. I have created a simple five step checklist to help get your home sold quickly and for top dollar.

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Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Home?

Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Home?

The impact of the coronavirus has affected everything from stocks, entire industries and small businesses all over the globe. So, what about real estate? If you were planning to buy a home this spring should you postpone that?

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