Four Reasons to Invest in Real Estate

Four Reasons to Invest in Real Estate

Real estate can be a very lucrative business. It takes a lot of work, but if you’re willing to put the work in you’ll definitely reap the rewards. Prior to meeting Vince, I purchased my first multi-unit while in college. I always wanted to have my own business but I wasn’t sure how to get started. I met with a local entrepreneur and real estate investor who provided some insight on rentals and why this would be a good industry.  It all just kinda clicked from there. So if someone were to ask me why invest in real estate, these would be my top five reasons.

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What is a Pro Forma?

What is a Pro Forma?

According to the Real Wealth Network, the definition of a pro forma is a method of calculating financial results in order to emphasize either current or projected figures. A property's pro forma in real estate are its cash flow projections. So to make things simple, when you are looking to invest in real estate, a pro forma is essentially an income and expense sheet.

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