Pain in the Attic

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How Room Colors Affect You

The colors in your home matter more than you may think. It is well known among artists, designers, advertisers and psychologists that certain colors can trigger certain responses. So it’s important when designing a room to take this into consideration. To achieve balance within a home, you will want a mix of both warm and cool colors. Your warm colors are colors such as reds, oranges, yellows, greens; while your cool colors consist of blues and purples. Keep in mind various shades of the same color can invoke different moods, such as red which is an aggressive color versus pink that has been shown to reduce aggressive behavior. Whether you are starting a remodel or just want to change up the walls, keep the following in mind when selecting colors.


Red is an aggressive color. It has been shown to raise blood pressure and is associated with danger. Red demands attention. This color has been known to stimulate appetite and increase conversation; therefore, making it a good choice for entertainment areas or public spaces. Red is not the best choice for bedrooms.


Orange is a stimulating color that compels you to action, but without the intensity that Red provokes. For this reason, Orange is easier to use in the home. Try autumn hues to add warmth to a family room or play room. Orange is also a great choice for exercise rooms.


Yellow is a happy color. It makes people feel cheery and energetic. It is a great choice for rooms you occupy in the morning such as the bathroom, breakfast nook or foyer. But too much Yellow can have a reverse affect inducing feeling of frustration and anger. A soft buttery yellow is easier to live with in the long run and is more calming than brighter alternatives.


Green is considered to be the easiest on the eye because it is found everywhere in nature. It creates a sense of relaxation, peacefulness, and warmth. Green is a must in a well centered home.


Blue is a calming color. The color of the ocean and the sky has been shown to reduce blood pressure and slow the heart rate making it a great choice for bedrooms. Richer or deeper tones of blue are great for family rooms and open kitchens. Keep in mind when using a deeper tone to be aware of the natural light. Rooms with little natural light are not great options for deep blue as it can quickly change the room from calming to chilly and sad.


Purple is a rich, dramatic color that is historically the color of royalty and luxury. Deep purples are very romantic and mysterious which are great for sparking creativity. In its lighter shades such as lilac or lavender, it is a very calming color. Due to many years of cultural associations, Purple has been regarded as a feminine color meaning its not the best choice for a bedroom. But it is a great choice for a bathroom to give a spa like feel.

- Adapted from the Well Centered Home by William Hirsch