How to Get Rid of Mold

We encountered mold for the first time in a bathroom we were renovating. Once you have it you want to get rid of it, quickly. It can create a health issue, not to mention its ugly in any room! Mold likes wet, warm places to grow, which is what makes a bathroom the perfect spot. So how do you get rid of it once it’s there?

What you will need:

  • Gloves

  • Glasses

  • Face mask

  • Bleach

  • Zinsser Jomax House Cleaner and Mildew Killer or similar product

  • Spray container

  • Rag/washcloth

  • Bucket of water

  • Paint brush

  • Zinsser Perma White Mold and Mildew Proof Interior paint or similar product

So the first thing you will want to do is spray the mold with the bleach mixture you created. Since neither mold nor bleach are good for you, I suggest wearing gloves, mask and something over your eyes if you are spraying on a ceiling (especially if you have my kind of luck). Next follow the instructions on the back of the product to know the ratio between bleach and house cleaner. Spray this everywhere you have mold. Dab any excess so it is not dripping onto your floors or down your walls. We left this sit overnight to let it dry out and kill everything.

The following day we came back and washed the surface with soap and water. Once we cleaned everything, we left the surface dry for about 15 minutes before applying our first coat of the mold and mildew resistant paint. Unfortunately, this paint only comes in satin finish (at least at Lowes this was the case). So it’s great for walls, but not my first choice for a ceiling. The attendant made the argument that the satin finish will clean better in the future. Ultimately, since it is a small bathroom, I don’t think it will be all that noticeable.

Something else to take into consideration if you are dealing with mold in a bathroom is - if the bathroom has a vent. If there is no vent, that would be something I would strongly suggest installing. If there is a vent, make sure it is clean and is being used properly. A vent should take care of the bulk of problem for a moldy bathroom. If the mold is in a different room, follow the steps provided, but also inspect the room for areas of moisture or a past problem. There is typically a reason the mold is growing - so as long as you can eliminate the cause, and then eliminate the mold you’ll be in good shape. Hope this helps clear up all your mold issues!